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Property Self-Help Videos

Garbage Disposal

Safety Note: Regardless of the circumstance, please refrain from removing any objects in the disposal with your hands. Instead, we recommend using a long pair of tongs or pliers.

Garbage Disposal Reset

Garbage Disposal Clogged/Not Draining


Safety Note: Make sure your stove is completely off and not warm at all before attempting to troubleshoot. It may be worth the extra step of disconnecting the stove from the power source entirely.


Light Bulbs

Change a light bulb in a microwave

Safety Note: Even if the appliance is off, unplugging it or turning off everything on the house’s switchboard may prevent you from getting shocked while changing the bulbs.

Change a light bulb in a built-in oven

How to change a light bulb in a built-in microwave


How to fix a Running Toilet

HVAC System

How to change the HVAC Filter

HVAC Frozen Over

Clogged Condensate Line


Putting out ant granules

DIY ant killers

Get rid of wasps

Outdoor Water Pipes

How to turn off the water at the curb

Winterize your home

How to prep your home for the winter

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