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Top Tips for Maintaining Glass or Ceramic Cooktops

If you’re lucky enough to have one of the ever-increasing number of glass or ceramic cooktops, you know what an excellent time-saver they can be, especially if you’re trying to get dinner on the table while your kids are going crazy playing Minecraft in the next room. But because glass or ceramic cooktops are so easy to clean, they can also be difficult to maintain if you’re not careful. Here are our top tips for maintaining your glass or ceramic cooktop for maximum performance and enjoyment over the long haul.

Use non-metal utensils

If you’re cooking on a glass or ceramic cooktop, use non-metal utensils only—and be careful! Metals and ceramics are like oil and water: they don’t mix. So, stick to wooden, silicone, and plastic utensils to avoid scratching your expensive cooktop. Better yet, pick up a set of silicone utensils designed specifically for these surfaces. They won’t scratch your cooktop, but will help maintain its beauty for years to come. You can also buy special cleaning tools made just for cooktops; one popular brand is the Magic Eraser. Just make sure that whatever tool you choose is made specifically for glass or ceramic stove tops, as other materials could cause damage.

Don’t leave the stove on when you leave the room

Leaving a burner on accidentally is one of the most common reasons glass and ceramic cooktops crack. Make sure to turn off the burners when you’re not using them. These simple safety precautions will help your cooktop last longer and cut down on maintenance in general. Before going to bed, double-check that all burners are turned off; if there’s a pilot light on your stove, remember to turn it off too. And be sure to check your kitchen before leaving for work—even if you don’t have children at home, accidents can happen. If you do have kids at home, make sure they know how important it is to leave the burners off.

Clean your cooktop with care

There are several ways to clean a glass-top stove, but you need to be careful about using abrasive materials and chemicals like ammonia. If you plan on scrubbing off tough stains, use a nonabrasive cleaning product like baking soda mixed with water. Wipe it down with an old, soft sponge in small circles to avoid scratching or gouging your cooktop’s surface. It’s best to divide your cleaning task into many smaller tasks. A quick scrub once a week will be better than one long session once a month.

Always read the manual

For your home-maintenance schedule, a tip that is always helpful—one that helps you learn and maintain safety in every aspect of your life—is to read every manual that comes with a new appliance. Although cooktops are very basic machines, you should still be able to find some tips and tricks in those manuals to help extend their lifespan. You never know what you might learn about how a device operates, especially one as complex as your cooktop.

Protect your investment by cooking on it less often

The cooktop’s glass surface is heated by electric coils that will gradually become discolored if they’re heated too often. To preserve your cooktop, try cooking on it less often and switching to low-heat settings when you do. You can also set timers to remind yourself not to leave pots unattended on the hot surface.

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