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The Importance of Going the Extra Mile for Your Residents

Many business owners know that going the extra mile can help grow your business, but it can be hard to find the time and energy to really push yourself to do this. This blog will focus on how going the extra mile for your residents can improve their day-to-day lives and why taking care of them will help you thrive in your career. It’s not always easy, but going the extra mile pays off big time!

What is going the extra mile?

So, what does it mean to go the extra mile for residents? Some may think it means giving them a good old-fashioned welcome basket, maybe with a few snacks and beverages. However, going above and beyond doesn’t necessarily equate to handing out goodies. It’s about doing your job with passion, as if you own or operate your facility yourself. It’s about getting to know each resident personally and taking an interest in their lives. And it’s about making sure they feel like family when they walk through your doors. These are just some of the ways you can go above and beyond for residents at your assisted living community!

Why go the extra mile?

Apart from being great for your residents, going that extra mile will be great for you too. Developing a reputation as someone who goes above and beyond is one of many ways to build trust with your residents, and it’s also a surefire way to get ahead in any workplace. Even when it seems like there isn’t enough time in your day to go above and beyond, if you take a bit of time out each day—really just 5 or 10 minutes—you can reap some big rewards.

Positive effects on residents

If you think it's going to take some time for your residents to trust you, think again. When most landlords invest money in their building, they don't really think about how that will positively impact their tenants' lives. However, when you go above and beyond what is necessary in terms of service to them, your residents are going to notice that and appreciate it. You'll soon find that positive word-of-mouth advertising can do a lot for your business because people like feeling appreciated and taken care of.

Benefits to properties

Outstanding service is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity in order to stand out from your competition. By doing more for your residents, you can increase tenant satisfaction and even build brand loyalty! Think about it: how many people do you know whose loyalty is based on great customer service? You might not remember their names or what they do for a living, but chances are you won’t forget someone who goes above and beyond to take care of you.

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